April 4, 2016

ACES Presentation: Copyediting and Corpus Linguistics

On Saturday, I presented at the twentieth annual conference of the American Copy Editors Society, held in Portland, Oregon. My topic was “Copyediting and Corpus Linguistics”, and my aim was to give editors a crash course in using corpora to research usage questions.

I was floored by the turnout—there were probably close to two hundred people in attendance. And I was surprised at how quickly the hour went by. I wish I’d skipped most of the background stuff and spent more time demonstrating how to do different kinds of queries and answering questions, but live and learn, I guess. I’ll have to remember that if I teach the topic again at future conferences.

I’m posting a slightly expanded version of my presentation below. And if you attended and you still have questions, or if you weren’t able to make it, feel free to leave a comment here. I’ll do my best to answer.

And, of course, a big thanks to ACES for hosting and to all those who attended. ACES folks are the best.

“Copyediting and Corpus Linguistics” (PDF)

Editing 4 Replies to “ACES Presentation: Copyediting and Corpus Linguistics”
Jonathon Owen
Jonathon Owen


4 thoughts on “ACES Presentation: Copyediting and Corpus Linguistics

    Author’s gravatar

    Your presentation was enlightening, and I’m so glad I attended! I’ve used Google books occasionally, but never knew it was a corpus, so that definition alone was worth the price of admission. I’ll check out the expanded presentation. Thanks again!

    Author’s gravatar

    hi there
    thanks for your pdf; hope it is not too bad form to publicise my short ebook on search terms in COCA? as you mention you wished to have focused more on searching in your talk (there is info on the compare function which could help you!)
    here goes – Quick Cups of COCA https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/618387

      Author’s gravatar

      Mura: Thanks for asking. No, I don’t mind you sharing that here.

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