Month: August 2012

August 31, 2012

In Praise of Spreadshirt

Some of you may get tired of me hawking my t-shirts. If you’re one of those, I guess you can go ahead and plug your ears for this post. But I’d like to talk a bit about Spreadshirt and why I’ve chosen them to make my shirts. I first started designing my own t-shirts several […]

Uncategorized 0 Replies to “In Praise of Spreadshirt”
August 29, 2012

Relative What

A few months ago Braden asked in a comment about the history of what as a relative pronoun. (For my previous posts on relative pronouns, see here.) The history of relative pronouns in English is rather complicated, and the system as a whole is still in flux, partly because modern English essentially has two overlapping […]

Descriptivism, Semantics, Varieties of English 9 Replies to “Relative What
August 7, 2012

The Data Is In, pt. 2

In the last post, I said that the debate over whether data is singular or plural is ultimately a question of how we know whether a word is singular or plural, or, more accurately, whether it is count or mass. To determine whether data is a count or a mass noun, we’ll need to answer […]

Grammar, Semantics, Usage, Words 15 Replies to “The Data Is In, pt. 2”
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