Category: Style

June 18, 2024

How to Send a Style Guide Discussion Straight to Hell

From time to time it’s necessary for copy editors to have discussions about style. Maybe an issue keeps popping up that isn’t quite covered by your style manual or house style, and you need to decide how to handle it. Maybe it’s been a while since you reviewed your house style guide, and you want […]

Editing, Style 4 Replies to “How to Send a Style Guide Discussion Straight to Hell”
March 24, 2020

Umlauts, Diaereses, and the New Yorker

Several weeks ago, the satirical viral content site Clickhole posted this article: “Going Rogue: ‘The New Yorker’ Has Announced That They’re Going To Start Putting An Umlaut Over Every Letter ‘O’ And No One Can Stop Them”. I’ve long enjoyed poking at the New Yorker for its distractingly idiosyncratic style,* but I had a couple […]

Historical linguistics, Style 11 Replies to “Umlauts, Diaereses, and the New Yorker
September 3, 2019

The Style Guide Alignment Chart

I’ve been thinking a lot about style guides lately, and I decided that what the world really needs right now is the definitive style guide alignment chart. I posted a version on Twitter the other day, but I wanted to do a slightly expanded version here. (Quotes are taken from Lawful Good: The Chicago […]

Style 52 Replies to “The Style Guide Alignment Chart”
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